Google (part of Alphabet) 未有对(XX)作出回应
Response by Microsoft: Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme. Click here
适用语言: English -
AOL did not respond to: Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme.
适用语言: English -
Response by Paltalk (part of AVM Software): Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme.
适用语言: English -
Apple did not respond to: Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme.
适用语言: English -
Facebook did not respond to: Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme.
适用语言: English -
Google did not respond to: Human Rights First writes to tech firms named in context of US Govt. "PRISM" programme.
适用语言: English