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Conor Humphries, Irish Independent

Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft [Ireland]


The [Irish] Government has expressed serious concern about a US court order for Microsoft to hand over emails held on servers in Ireland to US prosecutors, saying it would create significant legal uncertainty about data protection in Europe. Last week, a US judge lifted a suspension on her order directing Microsoft to turn over a customer's emails, but the software company said it would not release any emails while it appeals the ruling…"Compliance with the warrant may result in Microsoft, and any other US companies with operations in the EU which are served with such warrants in the future, being in breach of the Irish Data Protection Acts and the EU Data Protection Directive,"…said [Data Protection Minister Dara Murphy]. The prospect of emails held in Ireland being handed over has drawn concern from technology companies - fearful of losing revenue from foreign customers worried that US law enforcement might win broad powers to seize their data…

The Government has expressed serious concern about a US court order for Microsoft to hand over emails held on servers in Ireland to US prosecutors, saying it would create significant legal uncertainty about data protection in Europe. - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf
Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf
Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf
Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf
Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf
Government's 'serious concern' over US order on Microsoft - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/governments-serious-concern-over-us-order-on-microsoft-30563056.html#sthash.0KcTHaEy.dpuf


Irish Govt. expresses concerns after US court orders Microsoft to hand over emails on Irish servers

Data privacy & Microsoft "Ireland" lawsuit - intl. implications of govt. warrant to search cloud-based data