IBM & Microsoft joins the Vatican for the regulation of facial recognition technology and algor ethics
... [Microsoft and IBM] have signed a document called the “Rome Call for Al Ethics,” prepared by the Pontifical Academy for Life to Pope Francis on [6 March 2020]... Pope raised his concerns over the uncontrolled spread of A.I. applied science- extracting information and data without the people knowledge and using it for industrial and political purposes. Calling for the right growth of algorithms that is algor-ethics... The Pope said... “This asymmetry, by which a select few know everything about us while we know nothing about them, dulls critical thought and the conscious exercise of freedom... Inequalities expand enormously; knowledge and wealth accumulate in a few hands with grave risks for democratic societies"... Facial recognition systems are used by the police and Fortune 500 companies in investigating crimes and to vet job applicants... IBM and Microsoft turned down their business after knowing the customer’s interest in using their technology...made them uncomfortable...