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Intl. Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM)

Intl. Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers' Unions 2010 letter to Deva Holding


We are shocked with the information provided by Petrol-Is that your management uses numerous tactics to demolish the 40-year-long union existence, contractual labour relations and mature social dialogue at your workplace...We are aware that on 13 December 2010 you gathered all the workers at the plants to announce that there will no longer be a collective agreement, with the pretext of high production costs and government policies in the pha rmaceutical industry, and exerted pressure on them to sign individual labor contracts in place of the collective agreement. We are further shocked that you dismissed 74 employees because they refused to sign individual contracts. This is totally unacceptable anti-labor practice which violates Turkish law as well as international labor norms ratified by Turkey. 
