‘It felt like facing a lion’: Migrant workers secure 15 per cent pay rise and sick pay
日期: 2024年6月3日
地点: 英国
Westgate Cleaning Services (WCS) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 多米尼加共和国 , 清洁与保养 , Women , Unknown migration status ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 厄瓜多尔 , 清洁与保养 , Women , Unknown migration status )议题
食物权 , Poverty Wages , 基本生活工资 , 歧视/多元文化:综合 , Denial of leave , Excessive production targets , 受伤 , Occupational Health & Safety回应
回应的外部链接: (查看更多)
后续行动: The company negotiated and the workers secured a pay rise, full sick pay and improved contracts following a campaign organised by United Voices of the World. A spokesman from Westgate Cleaning said the company was pleased the dispute had been resolved. Blackheath Prep school has been approached for comment.
信息来源: News outlet
Cleaners at a private prep school have secured a pay rise and full sick pay after threatening their employer with strike action earlier this month.
The migrant workers who clean Blackheath Prep school in St Germans Place, Blackheath, will see a 15 per cent pay rise, full sick pay and improved contracts following a campaign organised by United Voices of the World, a trade union for low-paid migrant workers.
Dominican cleaner and UVW member Santa Perez, 34, from Lewisham, said: “I am so happy for this win!
“This is not only a victory for us but also for other cleaners who come and work at the school…
Judit Morales, an Ecuadorian cleaner at Blackheath Prep said: “We never had sick pay before, this is a big win for us, thanks to our unity and the support of our union that had our back all the way.
“Full respect to my union. I was involved in the negotiations, and I told the bosses what we needed…
A spokesman from Westgate Cleaning said the company was pleased the dispute had been resolved.
Blackheath Prep school has been approached for comment.