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By Info Migrants (Italy)

Italy: Explosion in a plant in Bolzano, a Senegalese worker died

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Bocar Diallo, 31, a Senegalese political refugee, died in Bolzano on June 23 following an explosion in the aluminum factory called Aluminium Bozen. The man suffered burns on 57% of his body, and it was impossible to save him.

…The man was employed at Aluminium Bozen…

… Another five co-workers on his same shift were also injured….

When Bocar arrived in Italy he was a refugee and received political asylum. …

Another three work colleagues are currently in severe condition. The most serious case is the state of the foreman Artan Vila, 48, who is hospitalized in Milan. The others are in Verona and Bavaria.

Following the accident, the Unions FIM, FIOM, and UILM striked for 8 hours on Monday June 24 at the site of the plant Aluminium, and for four hours at the entire metalworker sector in the region of Alto Adige.

In the meantime, FIOM announced that it will stand as a civil plaintiff in the criminal trial. "You cannot die at work! We've had to say this too many times in these years", stated CGIL/AGB and FIOM/MAV unions. "It is time for actions to follow. We must increase safety to avoid a similar tragedy repeating itself."…