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Washington Mito, Kenyans.co.ke

Kenya: Govt' threatens to shut down KTN due to live coverage of protests

"Govt Has Threatened to Shut Us Down - KTN News"

Standard Group's KTN has reported that the government has threatened to shut them down. Through an announcement during their live coverage at 4:09 pm, it was announced that there were threats to shut down the media house based along Mombasa Road.The media house did not detail the specific office or the individual who had threatened to shut them.

However, it was noted that the threats emerged as a result of the live coverage of the Tuesday protests. On the other hand, SG maintained that its journalists would continue with their work and inform the public of what was happening.

"We have received threats from the government of intentions to shut us down. "We would like to inform the public of our commitment to defend public interests and we shall not be cowed by any threats even as we continue to inform the public of the happening on the ground," the news anchor announced.
