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By Asia-Plus (Tajikistan)

Labor ministry urges citizens not to apply to unlicensed companies regarding seasonal work in UK

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The Migration Service of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population (MoLMEP) has urged citizens of Tajikistan to apply only to the state-run authorized body about looking for work abroad.

Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service, known locally as Radio Ozodi, citing an official source within the Interior Ministry, reports that the head of the Davri Istiqlol Company Ibrohim Ahmadov had been arrested recently on suspicion of large-scale fraud.

Ahmadov fraudulently obtained funds from dozens of citizens in return for a promise to arrange seasonal work for them in the United Kingdom.

The Interior Ministry says there are about 150 victims involved in this case.

The victims told Radio Ozodi that several months ago, they paid 18,000 somonis each to the Davri Istiqlol Company for sending for seasonal work to the United Kingdom, but they were never sent there.

Meanwhile, the MoLMEP Migration Service says the Davri Istiqlol Company was denied a license authorizing sending migrants for seasonal work abroad. ..

The Migration Service has urged applicants to apply only the state-run authorized body regarding seasonal work abroad…

Recall, an official source within the Migration Service told Asia-Plus in mid-June last year that about 1000 Tajik labor migrants will be hired for six-month seasonal work in the United Kingdom’s agrarian sector…