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Min Ni Kyaw, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers at Princess Power factory report wage cuts if workers take leave

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"If the workers of the...garment factory take leave, their wages are cut", 4 May 2023

Yangon's Shwe Pookkan said that if the workers take leave, their wages will be cut if they take a leave of absence. Princess Power Garment Industry is located at 18 Day Plot, Shwe Phokam, North Okka Township. It is known from the workers that the factory is open and working on Kanung Prince Gyi Road

The workers...told Myanmar Labor News that if the workers take leave due to unemployment, the officials...will consider it as unpaid leave for the day they take the leave.

"...If you take leave for health reasons, your salary will be cut. If you take leave, you have to give them (factory officials) a strong reason. They said that if they agreed and gave [workers] leave, they would not pay for that leave," said a female worker.

Even though the workers of the garment factory pay monthly social security contributions, they still do not have a social security card...

It is known that the daughter's garment factory sews European brand LAURA TORELLI and Korean brand SPAO with about 450 workers. The garment workers said that the owner of the factory is a Myanmar citizen.
