Myanmar: Workers report physical assault at S.M Myanmar garment factory
日期: 2023年8月11日
地点: 缅甸
S.M Myanmar Garment - Supplier , Mayoral - Buyer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 600
工人: ( 600 - 地点未知 , 衣服和纺织品 , Gender not reported )议题
殴打和暴力 , 性别歧视 , Excessive production targets , Occupational Health & Safety , Mandatory overtime , Harassment (other than sexual) , Wage Theft , Dismissal , Denial of leave回应
载有回应的故事: (查看更多)
后续行动: SM Myanmar allegedly supplies to Mayoral; Mayoral did not provide a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
信息来源: News outlet
"Physical assaults have occurred at the S.M. Myanmar garment factory.", 11 August 2023
Not only labor rights violations but also physical assaults have been reported by the workers at the S.M. garment factory, located on Min Ayar Street in the Shwe Than Lwin Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township.
“There is no ferry service for us...We are required to sleep at the factory and return at dawn if overtime was demanded until 12:00 AM...the super[visor] frequently uses profanity. If the labourer couldn’t tolerate [it] she would be...oppressed for not being comfortable with the super[visor]. Labourers are also [being fired for] disobedience. They also faced reduction in the grade bonus...The [owner] smacks the labourers if their services don’t [meet the factory's] orders. The workers who can’t take this have resigned. There were hardly any long-term workers left as most of them resigned...
The factory, which employs a workforce of over 600, is directly managed by its Chinese owner and manufactures [for] the Mayoral Brand.
Around 40-50 of the laborers are daily wage workers, receiving 3600 MMK per day and being compelled to work overtime for an additional 900 MMK. Workers are also penalized or fired for refusing to work overtime. Some laborers resigned even though they had been promoted from daily wage workers to salaried employees, due to being reverted back to daily wage status after taking leave due to illness.
The laborers also mentioned that they face difficulties, such as needing a signed card to access the restroom and having to sign a warning for taking a bottle with them to drink.