Netsweeper 未有对(XX)作出回应
Pakistan Govt tender for an internet filtering and blocking system
Huawei Technologies did not respond to: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English -
Response by Verizon: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English -
Pakistan Govt tender for an internet filtering and blocking system - company responses and non-responses
适用语言: English -
McAfee (part of Intel) did not respond to: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English -
Response by Sandvine: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English -
Netsweeper did not respond to: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English -
Response by Cisco Systems: Pakistan Govt. calls for proposals for internet filtering, blocking system - Pakistan-based NGO Bolo Bhi calls on tech firms not to bid.
适用语言: English