Part 2: We Came to Qatar to Pursue our Dreams
日期: 2022年10月4日
地点: 卡塔尔
GS Employment Service - Recruiter其他
Not Reported ( 建筑 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
外劳和移民工人: ( 1 - 尼珀尔 , 建筑 , Men , Documented migrants )议题
Contract Substitution , 招聘费信息来源: News outlet
In the second part of Martin Schibbye’s reportage series from Nepal, we meet hotel owners and construction workers who have made it out of poverty thanks to opportunities in Qatar, and those who are on their way there, attracted by the promise of quick cash. [Includes an allegation that GS Employment Services is illegally charing a recruitment fee - see details of allegations by pressing on the allegations icon left. We invited the company to respond but it did not].