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Germany National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

[PDF] Final declaration by the National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises regarding a complaint by Wake up and Fight for Your Rights Madudu Group and FIAN Deutschland against Neumann Gruppe GmbH

In the context of the investigation by the National Contact Point, there were no indications that Neumann Gruppe could not believe in good faith that it had acquired the land for use as the Kaweri Coffee Plantation from the Ugandan investment authority free of encumbrances and claims of third parties. In the view of the German National Contact Point, the parties should work together to further strengthen the relationship of trust between the Kaweri Coffee Plantation / Neumann Gruppe and those affected. To this end, the German National Contact Point sees an urgent need for the complainants to refrain from public attacks against Neumann Gruppe and to actively take up the offer of in-court and out-of-court negotiations towards an amicable settlement.
