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Peru: 18 Aymara community leaders face criminal charges & Bear Creek’s suing govt. in arbitration court over suspension of silver mine project

“Six years after the ‘Aymarazo’ protests in Peru criminal charges pending against 18 community leaders and a billion-dollar court case at ICSID” – June 27, 2017

It’s been six years since the socio-environmental conflict known as the ‘Aymarazo’ in Peru, a mobilization that happened in the province of Puno in 2011, against the mining project ‘Santa Ana’, owned by…Bear Creek Mining Corporation…The local population rejected the project because of the potential exploitation and contamination of water sources in the area, including the important Desaguadero River and Lake Titicaca, which Peru and Bolivia share…As a consequence of the suspending of the project, 18 community leaders are facing criminal charges. They are accused of the alleged crimes of obstruction of public services, disturbing the peace, and aggravated extortion. Among them is Francisca Sarmiento, the only woman leader who is being charged. The public prosecutor is asking for the accused to face 18-28 years of prison and pay over 2 million dollars in compensation. The trial is now in its final stages…Meanwhile, Bear Creek has sued the Peruvian state at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes – ICSID – at the World Bank (the case was filed in August of 2014). Under the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Peru…
