Qatar: hundreds of workers employed as security guards and marshals at World Cup suffered labour abuses
日期: 2023年6月15日
地点: 卡塔尔
FIFA - Partner , Teyseer Security Services - Employer项目
Qatar World Cup 2022 Unspecified Projects - Site受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 肯尼亚 , 安保公司 , Men , Documented migrants ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 加纳 , 安保公司 , Men , Documented migrants ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 尼珀尔 , 安保公司 , Men , Documented migrants )议题
Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , 恐吓和威胁 , 招聘费 , Occupational Health & Safety , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , 剥夺言论自由 , Wage Theft回应
已邀请回应:是,由Amnesty International
回应的外部链接: (查看更多)
后续行动: Workers were forced to leave Qatar without remedy or reimbursement for recruitment fees they had been charged.
信息来源: NGO
…A new Amnesty investigation has found serious labour abuses occurred in the employment of security guards and marshals at the World Cup which were not properly addressed by either the Qatari authorities or FIFA.
All of the workers interviewed said that Teyseer’s representatives, or recruitment agents who supplied the company, made false promises…
More than a third of the men interviewed, especially those employed as marshals, said they had to work 12 hours every day and worked for up to 38 consecutive days…
…They all said they incurred recruitment-related costs to secure their positions, with 16 saying they paid more than £150, including four who paid more than £450…
…Teyseer denied the allegations, saying it followed an “ethical recruitment process”, detailing at length the various measures it said it had taken to protect workers’ rights on World Cup sites. FIFA said that due diligence was conducted on Teyseer but acknowledged there were “different perceptions and views” on the experience of Teyseer’s workers. It said it will seek further clarification on the issues raised but did not commit to stepping in to provide remedy. Both FIFA and Teyseer confirmed that issues had been raised via the hotline and claimed that they had been addressed…