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Focus on Labour Exploitation,
Fife Migrants Forum

Report: FLEX undertakes assessment of the risks of human trafficking for forced labour on the UK Seasonal Workers Pilot (SWP)

“New publication: Assessment of the risks of human trafficking for forced labour on the UK Seasonal Workers Pilot”, March 2021

A two-year SWP was announced by the UK government in 2018 in response to concerns raised by farmers about possible labour shortages in advance of and after the UK had left the European Union (EU).

…[T]he UK government did not engage in meaningful discussion with worker representatives on the scheme, despite serious concerns raised by experts on human trafficking and modern slavery.

…The scheme was launched in April 2019 with an annual quota of 2,500 workers. This quota was increased to 10,000 in 2020; …and expanded to 30,000 workers in 2021.

…The objective of this research was to establish the risk of human trafficking for forced labour on the SWV, rather than to identify actual cases of human trafficking for forced labour.

…Through the research, risks of the forced labour indicators being met were identified for each of the three dimensions, presenting a serious risk that forced labour could take place on the SWP if action is not taken.

…For each dimension, the risk of forced labour is articulated and used to inform recommendations to the UK and Scottish governments.

Key findings spanned the three dimensions of forced labour:

  1. RISK OF FORCED LABOUR: UNFREE RECRUITMENT - The research identified one strong indicator of involuntariness at point of recruitment relating to deception about the nature of work. The risks of this indicator being met for workers on the SWP is considered to be high.
  2. RISK OF FORCED LABOUR: WORK AND LIFE UNDER DURESS - [SWP] workers reported unsafe housing in caravan accommodation, posing a risk of meeting the strong ILO indicator, “degrading living conditions”. For 98 per cent of workers this housing is provided by their employer, creating a dependency on the employer which constitutes a medium indicator.
  3. RISK OF FORCED LABOUR: IMPOSSIBILITY OF LEAVING EMPLOYER - A strong risk evident in the research findings relates to the large numbers of workers, 62 per cent of those interviewed, who reported being refused transfers to alternative employment.
