Response of Eastman Kodak to “Toxic 100” ranking
Quite simply, the information relative to Kodak is inaccurate and misleading. First, the report used old data from 2002. Since that time, Kodak has reduced air emissions by about one-third. Even more significantly, the analysis performed by PERI was flawed and overestimated the concentration of Kodak emissions by a factor of more than 50 times. The PERI report is based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Risk Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model, which is a preliminary screening tool with a number of technical limitations. (The EPA has clearly identified some of these limitations – see .) We recently held discussions with EPA concerning the use of RSEI by PERI, and the agency has acknowledged that the database is not intended to be used in this manner and is working with Kodak and others to prevent such flawed analyses in the future.