Russia: Visokogorsky GOK fined for gross violations of industrial safety requirements that resulted in serious worker's injury
日期: 2022年9月21日
地点: 俄罗斯
OJSC Visokogorsky GOK - Subsidiary , NPRO URAL - Parent Company项目
Visokogorsky mining and processing plant - Operation受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
工人: ( 1 - 俄罗斯 , 采矿 , Men )议题
Occupational Health & Safety , Lawsuits & regulatory action , 受伤回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: News outlet
[Summary translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Centre]
Court ordered VGOK to pay for workplace accident, 21 September 2022
The Arbitration Court of Sverdlovsk Region refused to recognize as illegal the decision of Rostekhnadzor to fine OJSC Vysokogorsk Mining and Processing Plant (VGOK, Nizhny Tagil) for gross violation of industrial safety requirements, which led to a workplace accident.
The workplace accident occurred in March 2022. A mechanic responsible for repairing equipment at Lebyazhinsky sintering shop fell while dismantling the crusher. He was taken to Nizhny Tagil hospital with serious injuries.
During the investigation of the incident, Rostechnadzor identified gross violations of industrial safety at VGOK and imposed a fine of 500 thousand rubles. However, the plant tried to challenge the ruling, but to no avail.