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内容有以下的语言版本: English, 한국어



Haejung Kim, Hankyoreh (S. Korea),
Ye-eun Jie, The Korea Herald (S. Korea)

S. Korea: Samsung Electronics union declares first-ever strike after failed wage talks

"Samsung Electronics union declares first-ever strike," 29 May 2024

Unionized workers of Samsung Electronics said [on 29th May] that they would go on strike next week after failed wage talks with the management -- the first-ever strike in the tech giant’s five decades of history.

...They held a banner that read, “We can no longer tolerate labor repression, union repression.”

The union, which has about 28,000 members, accounting for nearly 22 percent of the company's total workforce, said it would stop work for one day on June 7 as part of broader protest measures.

...The union claimed that the management had no will to continue negotiations in their wage talks that started in January.


[Company's response in the Korean page translated to English by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

...There is no official position from the company regarding the strike. The company did not comment on the union's claim that “the company is being insincere in negotiations.”

...Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Han said at the company's shareholders' meeting in March that the company would “keep the window of dialogue open and communicate in good faith,” but also said, “If the union strikes, we plan to use all available means to minimize disruptions to management and production within the scope permitted by the Labor Relations Act.”
