This Colorado farm has repeatedly violated federal labor laws. Why does the U.S. continue to grant it foreign workers?
日期: 2023年9月19日
地点: 美国
Palombo Farm Market - Buyer , Kroger - Buyer , Star Farms - Employer , Safeway USA (part of Albertsons) - Buyer , Albertsons - Parent Company受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 墨西哥 , 农业和畜牧 , Men , Documented migrants ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 农业和畜牧 , Women , Documented migrants )议题
Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Wage Theft , 水的获取 , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , 招聘费回应
已邀请回应:是,由Resource Centre
载有回应的故事: (查看更多)
后续行动: Following the most recent allegations, the federal labour department is again investigating the farm. Star Farms told The Denver Post that he ‘pretty much’ pays all the workers on time, that clean water is always available, and bathrooms are regularly cleaned. The employer also denies he passes costs onto workers. A spokesperson for Palombo Farms Market told the Denver Post the market has no association with Star Farms. Safeway (part of Albertsons) said that its stores in Colorado no longer sell Star Farm produce. Kroger did not respond to the Resource Centre's request for comment.
信息来源: News outlet
...The laborers come to Star Farms every year on temporary visas, part of the federal government’s H-2A program that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers for critical agricultural jobs.
From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., they till the soil…
But despite federal regulations, workers and their lawyers say the farm’s owner does not provide them with clean water, forcing them to buy and bring their own. The bathrooms on-site, they say, sometimes go months without being cleaned. With little option, they allege, workers feel compelled to urinate and defecate in the fields.
On top of that, they say the workers at Star Farms haven’t seen a paycheck in seven weeks…
For nearly two decades, Star Farms and its owner, Angelo Palombo, have repeatedly stolen wages from migrant employees and violated federal labor laws…
Now, the federal labor department says it’s once again investigating the farm…
Palombo’s family members operate Palombo Farms Market off of U.S. 85 in Henderson… A spokesperson says the market is operated by Palombo’s ex-wife and their son, Linda Palombo and Joseph Palombo. Angelo Palombo has no association with their business, they say).
Shoppers at Safeway and Kroger-owned stores can also find Star Farms’ vegetables in local supermarkets…