UAE: Protesters allege young Sudanese men are being deceived by security firm & forced into military training camps
日期: 2020年1月26日
地点: 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Black Shield Security Services - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 300
外劳和移民工人: ( 300 - 苏丹 , 安保公司 , Gender not reported )议题
强迫劳动与当代奴隶制 , Contract Substitution , Restricted mobility , 剥夺迁徙自由回应
Response sought: 否
后续行动: The case came to light due to protests by relatives of the recruited men. Black Shield Security Services issued a statement denying that they had mislead or deceived recruits about the nature of the jobs offered.
信息来源: News outlet
"Protest in Khartoum against UAE firm recruiting Sudanese to fight in Libya and Yemen," 27 Jan 2020
[Protesters] demonstrated in protest against sending young Sudanese men [via] an Emirati company to Libya and Yemen...[to] serve as security guards in the [UAE].
Several reports appeared...[from those young men] who returned to Khartoum. Travel[ling] to the UAE after signing a contract with the UAE-based Black Shield Security Services Company to work as [private security guards],...[the young men claim]...they were taken to a...military training camp in the desert...[and subject to] manipulation and pyscological preparatio[n] to convince them to go to [conflict-areas like]...Libya and Yemen.
Observers in Khartoum estimate that over 300 Sudanese...have left for the UAE under [similar] contracts with [Black Shield Security Services Company].
Black Shield Security Services Company...denied allegations of "deception and misleading" its employees about the nature of the jobs it offers..., [further stating it]..."reserves [the] right to take any legal and judicial measures against [those] who has offended the company".