Uruguay becomes 1st country to ratify ILO convention on violence & harassment at work
"Uruguay becomes first country to ratify ILO Convention 190", 16 January 2020
Uruguay is the first country in the world to ratify the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Convention 190, which recognizes that violence and harassment in the world of work can constitute a human rights violation...
".. Uruguay will have to adopt an inclusive, integrated and gender-responsive approach to preventing and eliminating violence and harassment in... the private and public sectors... the formal and informal economy, and in both urban or rural areas," said... the Office of the President... [It] also said that legislation will require employers to take appropriate steps to prevent violence and harassment in the world of work.
... Uruguay already has laws in place to address some of the issues covered by C190, such as legislation on sexual harassment in the workplace and... on gender-based violence against women...