故事 2019年4月10日 Zambian farmers can take Vedanta to court over water pollution. What are the legal implications? 查看所有标签 Bharat Aluminium (part of Vedanta Resources) Konkola Copper Mines (Joint venture between Vedanta Resources Limited ((79.4%) and ZCCM Investments Holdings (20.6%)) Vedanta Resources Limited 采矿 英国 赞比亚 水的获取 Clean, Healthy & Sustainable Environment Lawsuits & regulatory action
时间线 Not quite ‘beating your head against a brick wall’: the Supreme Court’s decision in Vedanta v. Lungowe 日期: 2019年4月19日 内容类型: 文章 适用语言: English Zambian farmers can take Vedanta to court over water pollution. What are the legal implications? 日期: 2019年4月12日 内容类型: 文章 适用语言: English