日期: 2024年8月18日
地点: 泰国
华发集团 - Parent Company , 方正PCB - Other Value Chain Entity , Rojana Industrial Park - Other Value Chain Entity受影响的
受影响的总人数: 700
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 缅甸 , 建筑 , Men , Unknown migration status ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 柬埔寨 , 建筑 , Men , Unknown migration status ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 建筑 , Women , Unknown migration status )议题
Wage Theft回应
已邀请回应:是,由Resource Centre
载有回应的故事: (查看更多)
后续行动: The delay in payment was initially investigated by the Ministry of Labour, with delays to wages beginning in June owing to slow international money transfers from a parent company in China. Workers had been provided with temporary financial relief, while the company had said it would pay missing wages the week after the protest. One worker leader from Myanmar said he believed the factory had already paid the subcontractors but had not passed the money onto the workers themselves. The Resource Centre reached out to Rojana Industrial Park Founder PCB and its parent Huafa Group for a response. Rojana Industrial Park did not respond, but Founder PCB did respond, including inviting Rojana Industrial Estate to outline its relationship with the factory, and to disclose any human rights due diligence it undertakes on businesses operating in its industrial parks. Founder PCB said the company has consistently complied with all laws, regulations, and ethical standards, fulfilled its contractual duties without violations, and encourages partners to do the same. The Resource Centre could not verify the identity of the Chinese factory to invite it to respond.
信息来源: News outlet
8 月 16 日,在巴真府(Prachinburi)西玛哈县(Sri Maha Pho)的洛加纳(Rojana)工业园区的一家中资工厂前,700 多名来自缅甸和柬埔寨的外来务工人员举行了抗议活动,并封锁了工厂的进出通道。由于两个月没有收到工资,这些工人要求工厂支付全额工资,并拒绝让运货卡车进入工厂,直到达成谈判为止。自昨晚以来,抗议活动愈演愈烈,目前尚无解决迹象。
工人们面临日益严重的经济压力,包括房租缴纳问题等。他们拒绝了工厂最初提出的每人 500 泰铢的临时救济方案。一名工人代表说:“我们已经等了两个多月,却没有收到任何工资,我们不再相信分包商的承诺。这次的提议只让抗议者更加愤怒”...
据工人代表闵先生(Mr. Min)称,这家中资工厂通过 11 家不同的中国分包商雇用工人。其中一家分包商已经连续三个月拖欠工人的工资了。据报道,工厂此前已向三家主要分包商分发了100万泰铢,每家收到 30 万泰铢,用于支付工人的房租。
缅甸工人领袖昂先生(Mr. Aung)对分包商深表怀疑,他说,工厂已经向分包商支付了款项,但这些资金并没有发放给工人...