Sathapana Bank 未有对(XX)作出回应

Cambodia: Microfinance institutions accused of predatory lending while borrowers face heavy burden with debt and climate impacts; companies deny accusations
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Ahead of Cambodia's UPR review, four NGOs urge UN Member States to recommend Cambodian govt. end human rights abuse in microfinance sector
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Dutch National Contact Point accepts complaint against Oikocredit allegedly contributing to severe adverse human rights impacts on micro-finance sector
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: International Finance Corporation needs extra time to review and decide on opening investigation into micro-finance investments in Cambodia
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Six banks and micro-finance institutions to be investigated for allegedly causing harms to borrowers
适用语言: English -
Oikocredit's response to alleged links of investment to negative social impacts in Cambodia's microfinance
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Three NGOs file complaint to OECD National Contact Point against Dutch investor Oikocredit over alleged human rights abuses; investor responds
柬埔寨:八个本地和国际非政府组织谴责亚洲基础设施投资银行 向涉嫌侵犯人权的小额信贷机构提供贷款
Prasac's Non-Response
适用语言: English -
Hattha Bank's Non-Response
适用语言: English -
Sathapana's Non-Response
适用语言: English -
LOLC's Non-Response
适用语言: English -
ACLEDA's Non-Response
适用语言: English -
AMRET's response re. complaint to IFC Watchdog over microfinance human rights abuses
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Two NGOs file complaint against 6 banks and micro-finance institutions alleging them of human rights violations
适用语言: English