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2007 年5月,东莞市人民法院受理该案,8月正式开庭审理。诺基亚公司声称,不录用该求职者的原因是公司找到了更能胜任的人选,而且该求职者是色盲。诺基亚公司 还指出,该公司东莞工厂就有几名员工是乙肝病毒携带者。在庭审中,求职者出具了他与诺基亚公司人力资源部工作人员的对话录音。在录音中,诺基亚工作人员暗 示,携带乙肝病毒是公司不录用他的原因。而诺基亚公司则否认录音中与原告对话者为诺基亚工作人员。庭审结束时,法官宣布将再次开庭审理。2008年7月 31日,东莞中级人民法院再次审理此案。同一天,该求职者公布了一封投诉信,投诉东莞中级人民法院法官违法闭门审理该案。2008年8月22日,东莞中级 人民法院以该求职者无法证明录音证据的真实性为由判其败诉。
- Chinese HBV carrier sued Nokia, complaining about the Second Instance by Dongguan Intermediate Court's lack of Transparency, Boxun News, 31 Jul 2008 [Chinese language only]
- One of the Ten Most Important Labour Dispute Cases of 2007: Nokia HBV Discrimination Case, Legal Daily, 20 Jan 2008 [Chinese language only]
- Nokia China faces lawsuit over rejection of Hepatitis-B carrier, Helsingin Sanomat, 16 Aug 2007
- Asia column – China’s disease of workplace discrimination, Ethical Corporation, 4 May 2007
- Chinese Job Seeker Sues Nokia, China CSR, 20 Mar 2007
- Denied employment for being HBV positive, a graduate sued Nokia, sina.com, 15 Mar 2007 [Chinese language only]
- HBV carrier sued Nokia for employment discrimination, asking for 500,000 RMB compensation, Lin Jie, 15 Mar 2007 [in Chinese; summary English translation available here]
- Nokia China Faces Lawsuit Over Rejection of Hepatitis B Carrier, Mure Dickie, Financial Times, 12 Mar 2007
- Nokia: CR Report 2007 - Medical Evaluations, 21 May 2008
- China Labour Bulletin: Dongguan court’s dubious ruling in Nokia HBV discrimination case, 6 Nov 2008
- China Labour Bulletin: Employment discrimination at Nokia (China) must be rectified, 14 Oct 2008 [open letter from China Labour Bulletin to Jorma Ollila, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation]
- Beijing Yirenping Centre [Chinese non-profit public interest organization focused on disease prevention, health education, assisting patients and eliminating discrimination]