日期: 2024年6月25日
地点: 韩国
Aricell - Employer , S-Connect - Parent Company , Meicell - Employer , Samsung SDI (part of Samsung) - Buyer , Samsung Electronics - Parent Company受影响的
受影响的总人数: 18
外劳和移民工人: ( 17 - 中国 , 制造业:综合 , Women , Undocumented migrants ) , 外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 老挝 , 制造业:综合 , Women , Unknown migration status )议题
死亡 , Occupational Health & Safety , 信息获取 , Wage Theft回应
已邀请回应:是,由Resource Centre & Journalists
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后续行动: The CEO of the company apologised for the fire and said it had complied with all required safety precautions and training. He said the company "will be conscientiously taking part in the investigation by authorities and will do [its] best to determine the cause of the accident and to take measures to prevent a repeat of such an accident". A representative for Meicell, the labour supply company which provided workers to the factory, told journalists it does not instruct workers and cannot visit them on site - this is done by Aricell. The Resource Centre invited Samsung SDI to respond to the allegations of safety violations at the Aricell factory in its supply chain, and to disclose what human rights due diligence it undertakes prior to entering into contracts with suppliers regarding labour and safety standards, and when monitoring working conditions at suppliers. We also invited it to outline what remediation efforts Samsung SDI has engaged with in light of the workers’ deaths. Samsung SDI responded, saying it does not conduct any business with Aricell and does not have any information about the company. At the end of August, the BBC reported that the Chief Executive or Aricell, Park Soon-Kwan, had been arrested due to suspected workplace safety violations. S-Connect, Aricell's parent company, did not respond to the BBC's request for comment. The Ministry of Labor and Employment later announced tighter safety regulations and support measures for manufacturing facilities in an effort to protect migrant workers in response to the deadly fire that killed 23 Aricell factory workers.
信息来源: News outlet
”韩国锂电池厂火灾:为何死者多为中国劳工“ 2024年6月26日
华城的这家工厂由一家名为Aricell的小公司运营,该公司为韩国军方和其他客户提供电池。行业专家表示,一般来说,化学和电池行业的小公司往往比大公司的安全记录更差 ......