International Migrants Day: Global analysis 2023

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Between December 1 2022 and November 30 2023, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (the Resource Centre) recorded 613 human rights abuse allegations against migrant workers toiling in supply chains across the globe.
These allegations contained in the Resource Centre’s new Migrant Workers Allegations Database (the Database) span nearly all key sectors – from renewable energy to hospitality to agriculture – and occurred in all regions of the world. While the Database highlights a range of key trends in migrant worker abuse recorded over the past year, alongside company action - and inaction - in response, one thing is clear: as some of the most vulnerable in global supply chains, migrant workers are bearing the brunt of converging global crises and facing rising abuse, even as major brands rely on their labour. Protection for migrant workers by brands is more than achievable: those who are clear on their human rights responsibilities will recognise our recommendations are within reach and will have concrete impacts for their migrant workforce.
Read the briefing
Explore the data through this interactive webpage to see the types of threats migrant workers face, which industries benefit from abuse and which migration corridors are most dangerous for the workers who use them.