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Research & Analysis

Unpack the gendered dimensions of different issues

Below is research that unpacks the gendered dimensions on different thematic issues, including by highlighting the realities of women and LGBTI+ people.

National Action Plans

Danish Institute for Human Rights, “Women in business and human rights” (2018)

United Kingdom, “UK National Action Plan on Women, Peace & Security 2018-2022” (2018)

UN and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, "Gender equality plans in Latin America and the Caribbean" (2017)

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign and Development Policy 2016-2020” (2016)

Albania Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, “National Strategy and Action Plan on Gender Equality 2016-2020” (2016)

Gender and Development Network, “Why National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights must integrate and prioritise gender equality and women’s human rights” (2015)

Republic of Macedonia, “The National Action Plan for Gender Equality 2007-2012” (2006)

National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights, ”Gender and women’s rights”, (n.d.)

The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable & The Danish Institute for Human Rights, "National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights Toolkit" (2017)

Land, Environment and Natural Resources

WoMin African Alliance & 350Africa.org, "Renewable energy in Africa: An opportunity in a time of crisis" (2020)

Trócaire, "The gendered impacts of large-scale land based investments and women's responses - scoping study" (2020)

Anaïs Tobalagba & Ramona Vijeyarasa, "Engendering regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining: Participation, protection & access to justice" (2020)

Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action, “Impacts of Extractives on Land, Environment, and Women’s rights in East Africa” (2018)

UNDP Liberia, “Guidelines in Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change: National and Sectoral Adaptation Plans for Monitoring & Evaluation and Planning Staff” (2018)

Joshi, S. ”Gendered Impacts of Land Commercialization in Cambodia” (2018)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Climate and Women: The Business Case for Action” (2017)

Rebecca Elmhirst, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Mia Siscawati, Dian Ekowati, “Gender Issues in Large Scale Land Acquisition: Insights from Oil Palm in Indonesia” (2017)

CORE Coalition and Womankind Worldwide, “Land Intensive Corporate Activity: The Impact on Women’s Rights” (2017)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Gender mainstreaming and a human rights-based approach: Guidelines for Technical Officers” (2017)

ActionAid, “Not ready, still waiting: Governments have a long way to go in preparing to address gender inequality and the SDGs” (2016)

UN Women Liberia, “Taking the Long View: Sustaining Community Wealth through Gender Sensitive Natural Resource Management” (2014)

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, “Gender Dimensions of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Rapid Assessment Toolkit” (2012)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Passport to Mainstreaming Gender in Water Programmes” (2012)

Convention on Biological Diversity, “Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans” (2010)

Women Workers

Paul Barrett and Dorothee Baumann-Pauly, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, “Made in Ethiopia: Challenges in the Garment Industry’s New Frontier” (2019)

International Labour Organization, “Women in Business and Management: The Business Case for Change” (2019)

Trades Union Congress and Maternity Action, “Pregnancy, breastfeeding and health and safety: A guide for workplace representatives” (2019)

International Labour Organization, “Global Wage Report 2018/19: What lies behind gender pay gaps” (2018)

House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee, “Sexual harassment in the workplace” (2018)

Clean Clothes Campaign, “Labour Without Liberty - Female Migrant Workers in Bangalore's Garment Industry” (2018)

Council on Foreign Relations, “Women and the Law: Leveling the Global Economic  Playing Field” (2018)

World Bank, “Women, Business and the Law” (2018)

International Labour Organization, “World Employment Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2018” (2018)

Business for Social Responsibility, “ Women in the Jewelry Supply Chain: Landscape Review  of Barriers to Women’s Economic Empowerment” (2018)

International Finance Corporation, “Addressing Gender-based Violence in the Workplace” (2018)

Trades Union Congress, “Gender in occupational safety and health” (2017)

African Natural Resources Center and African Development Bank, “Women’s economic empowerment in oil and gas industries in Africa” (2017)

BSR, “Women’s Economic Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Recommendations for the Mining Sector” (2017)

Oxfam, “Empowering Grassroots Women Through Transformational Partnerships in Agricultural Value Chains” (2017)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Private-Sector Action for Women’s Health and Empowerment” (2017)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Empowering Female Workers in the Apparel Industry: Three Areas for Business Action” (2017)

UN Women, “Opportunities for Women in the Legal and Regulatory Frameworks on Mining” (2017)

International Labour Organization, “Women at Work: Trends 2016” (2016)

International Finance Corporation, “SheWorks: Putting Gender-Smart Commitments into Practice” (2016)

Sarah Bradshaw, Brian Linneker and Lisa Overton, Oxfam America, “Gender and Social Accountability: Ensuring Women’s Inclusion in Citizen-led Accountability Programming Relating to Extractive Industries” (2016)

AusAID and Oxfam, “Gender and the Extractive Industries: Putting Gender on the Corporate Agenda” (2016)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Building Effective Women’s Economic Empowerment Strategies: Sector-specific Opportunities and the Case for Collaboration” (2016)

United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, “Privatization and its Impact on the Right to Education of Women and Girls” (2014)

Isabel Cane, Amgalan Terbish and Onon Bymbasuren, “Mapping Gender Based   Violence and Mining Infrastructure in Mongolian Mining Communities” (2014)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Incorporating Women’s Health into Workplace Assessments” (2014)

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, “Gendering the Field Toward Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining Communities” (2011)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “The Role of Women in Agriculture” (2011)

Supriya Akerkar, “Gender and Participation” (2001)

Gender in Due Diligence

Action Aid, "We Mean Business: Protecting Women's Rights in Global Supply Chains" (2020)

Business for Social Responsibility, “Are You Ready to Incorporate Gender into Your Supply Chain Due Diligence?” (2019)

Women’s Rights and Mining & OECD Secretariat, Stakeholder Statement on Implementing Gender-Responsive Due Diligence and ensuring the human rights of women in Mineral Supply Chains (2019)

Ethical Trading Initiative, “Base Code Guidance: Gender and human rights due diligence” (2018)

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, “Gender-responsive Human Rights Due Diligence for Business Actors: Human Rights-based Approaches” (2018)

Alice Powell, Gender & Development, “Integrating a gender perspective into transparency and accountability initiatives: three case studies” (2017)

University of Essex Human Rights Centre, “Business and Human Rights: Engendering Human Rights Due Diligence – A Legal Analysis” (2017)

Julie Goldscheid and Debra J. Liebowitz, “Due Diligence and Gender Violence: Parsing its Power and its Perils” (2015)

Access to Remedy

Ethical Trading Initiative, “Access to remedy - practical guidance for companies” (2019)

Christian Aid, “Engendering Business and Human Rights: Applying a Gender Lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Binding Treaty Negotiations” (2019)

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “A Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming” (2018)

Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Unit, “Compilation of case law of the European Court of Human Rights on Gender Equality Issues” (2018)

International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, “Corporate Accountability for Women’s Human Rights” (2017)

Christian Aid, “Gender Justice: Achieving Just and Equitable Power Relations for All” (2017)

Council of Europe, “Towards Guaranteeing Equal Access to Justice for Women” (2015)

International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, “Handbook on Women, Development and Access to Justice” (2015)

Procurement, Investment and Tax

International Centre for Tax and Development, “Hidden Inequalities: Tax Challenges of Market Women in Enugu and Kaduna States, Nigeria” (2019)

ActionAid, “Funding a localised, women-led approach to protection from Gender Based Violence” (2019)

International Centre for Tax and Development, “Tax and Gender in Developing Countries: What are the Issues?” (2017)

UN Women, “Corporate Guide to Gender-responsive Procurement” (2017)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, “Trade and Gender Toolbox” (2017)

European Investment Bank Group, “Protect, Impact, Invest: The EIB Group Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment” (2016)

Penny Bamber and Cornelia Staritz, “The Gender Dimensions of Global Value Chains” (2016)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, “Looking at trade policy through a gender lens” (2014)

Raymund Mark Kirton-Commonwealth Secretariat, Gender, Trade and Public Procurement Policy: Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica (2014)

International Finance Corporation, “Investing in Women’s Employment” (2013)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, “The fisheries sector in the Gambia: trade, value addition and social inclusiveness, with a focus on women” (2013)

International Finance Corporation, “Strengthening Access to Finance for Women-Owned SMEs in Developing Countries” (2011)

Asian Development Bank, “Gender Checklist: Resettlement” (2003)

Women Human Rights Defenders

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of women human rights defenders” (2019)

Association for Women's Rights in Development and Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition, “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractive Industries” (2017)

Association for Women's Rights in Development, “Our Right to Safety: Women Human Rights Defenders’ Holistic Approach to Protection” (2014)

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Manual on Human Rights Monitoring: Chapter 28 - Monitoring and Protecting the Human Rights of Women” (2011)