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1000 Saudi-bound Bangladeshi workers missed their flights for failing to arrange government-imposed quarantine hotel bookings

Saudi Arabia has announced that Saudi-bound migrant workers have to follow mandatory quarantine upon arrival to the Kingdom. Workers from Bangladesh will have to bear the cost of Seven-day mandatory quarantine in hotels. Airlines have offered to take the cost of hotels with tickets fair, and workers will have to pay additional Tk 30,000-60,000.

However, many migrant workers from Bangladesh found themselves helpless at Dhaka Airport as airlines have announced that hotel bookings for the mandatory quarantine must be done by the workers themselves. As such, about 1000 workers missed their flights to Saudi on 27 May because they failed to book or pay for their mandatory quarantine in hotels.

On 28 May, the Bangladeshi authorities announced that they will help Saudi-bound workers for arranging the hotel bookings. The Bangladesh Embassy was instructed to list all workers traveling to Saudi and arrange hotel bookings for their quarantine. The Bangladeshi government will subside in case hotels are expensive.

On 29 May, the Saudi authorities announced that workers who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 at least 14 days before arrival to Saudi, would not be required to follow the mandatory quarantine.

On 30 May, The Bangladeshi government declared that it will share the cost of hotel quarantine and pay up to Tk 25,000 for each worker. The financial assistance will be paid by the "welfare fund" and provided even to those who have already gone to Saudi Arabia before the government decision was issued.
