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Elena Weber, rus.azattyq.org

Kazakhstan: Miners of ArcelorMittal Temirtau & Kazakhmys retired due to injuries urge President to protect their rights

Miners retired due to injuries of Shakhtinsk again declare a violation of their rights on the eve of snap presidential elections, 20 September 2022

In the town of Shakhtinsk, Karaganda region, dozens of retired miners who had received injuries and occupational diseases in the mines of the 'ArcelorMittal Temirtau' company, held a meeting on September 19, at which they announced of violation of their rights. They sent a petition to Akorda stating that ratified international agreements are being violated, while amendments adopted several years ago protect the interests of companies.

“We believe that the amendments adopted in 2011 with the participation of the president actually changed the situation to the worse for the people with disabilities through the amendments to the civil code in 2015. We, the disabled miners, were divided. We appeal to you, as the guarantor of the Constitution, with a request to restore justice,” says the appeal of the disabled miners to the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The activists went to the capital today and have already handed over the petition to the chancellery.

According to the retired miners, the adopted amendments are lobbying the interests of foreign companies, while the authorities have not taken into account the risks for the disabled. The retired miners decided to make a new appeal to the authorities precisely on the eve of snap presidential elections, since, according to them, their previous appeals made in the past few years had been left unanswered...