Myanmar: Child labour reported at garment factory
日期: 2024年8月3日
地點: 緬甸
Myanmar Chaofa - Supplier受影響的
受影響的總人數: 200
工人: ( 200 - 地點未知 , 衣服和紡織品 , Gender not reported )議題
Wage Theft , 童工 , 恐嚇和威脅 , Occupational Health & Safety回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
"Child laborers are subjected to day labor and discrimination in Myanmar's Chaofa sleepwear factory", 3 January 2024
According to the workers of the Myanmar Chaofa bed sewing factory, which sews bed sheets in the Watara Industrial Zone, there are around 200 workers, and about a third of them are child workers. They said that these child laborers are being discriminated against as day laborers and have no rights under the law.
“...11, 12 13 year olds. 14 and 15 year olds too. They don't get paid for the day off. No overtime pay..." said a veteran worker...
One of the workers explained that on the days the factory was closed, the wages of the workers were reduced by up to 50 percent because they could not get orders in the factory...
All the security and office staff are working without pay for overtime, and even though there are inspection[s], the factory officials taught the workers beforehand and forced them to give false answers, the workers added...
he workers also said that they complained to the labor office several times about not being paid for overtime, but they never came to investigate...
The workers of Myanmar Chaofa Leather Ware Co., Ltd factory told Myanmar Labor News that the water purifier is located near the toilet and the public toilets are smelly.
[Translation via Google Translate]