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Solidarity of Trade Union Myanmar (STUM)

Myanmar: Garment worker dismissed for not working overnight due to exhaustion

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…An employee of HONG MIAO Garment Co…was fired illegally.

On July 15th, 2023, he was forced to [work overtime] all night and [had to] work until 12:00 p.m. The worker who was fired had pain all over his body and was unable to work at all, so he rested at the designated rest area.

All super[visors] encouraged him to continue working, but [because] the worker [had] to work all night continuously [since 10 July],…he was too tired to continue working.

[Because] he didn't [work] until dawn…he was fired by the HR manager when he went [back] to work on Monday.

When asked why he was fired, he commented that he was fired because he found a water bottle with [betel nut] spit under the ironing board.

As a reason to fire a worker, [they are] just [using] the betel nut as an alibi.

Calling [for overtime] all night [is] against the law and forcing the workers to [work and] put unfair pressure on them is [Forced labour]. It does not meet the standards of the ILO.

I would like to inform the public about the fact that the factory…has not taken any effective action…

[Translation via Google Translate]
