Nestlé's response
Child labour has no place in our supply chain. Our Nestlé Corporate Business Principles and Supplier Code explicitly cover child labour and we are taking action to progressively eliminate it by assessing individual cases and tackling the root causes. These efforts are part of the Nestlé Cocoa Plan, which aims to improve the lives of cocoa farming communities and the quality of the cocoa we purchase.
In 2014, we set up our Child Labour Remediation and Monitoring System (CLMRS) in Côte d’Ivoire. This comprehensive mechanism is helping us and our partners, including the Fair Labour Association (FLA) to identify children at risk in each cocoa community and the specific conditions that put them at risk. We then, together with our partners, work with individual households and the community to raise awareness, address and prevent the problem. CLMRS has been introduced in 22 farmer co-operatives and will be rolled out to all Nestlé Cocoa Plan co-operatives, around 70, by the end of 2016. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first cocoa purchaser to set up such a system to tackle child labour...