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Serbia: Workers of Yura Lescovac, supplier of major car manufacturers, protest against poor working conditions, punitive wage policies & union busting tactics; incl. cos. responses & non-responses

In June 2024, workers at Yura Leskovac in Serbia, a global supplier of electrical and electronic distribution components to the automotive industry whose clients allegedly include Kia, Hyundai, Jaguar, Porsche, Audi and Mercedes, launched a series of strikes against deteriorating working conditions, punitive wage policies and union busting tactics.

The Autonomous Metalworkers Union of Serbia, an affiliate of industriAll Europe and IndustriALL Global Union, claimed that Yura's management refused to engage in bargaining with the union.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Yura as well as Kia, Hyundai, Jaguar, Porsche, Audi and Mercedes to respond. Yura, Audi, Mercedes and Porsche provided responses. Kia, Hyundai and Jaguar did not. All responses and non-responses can be found below.


Audi (part of Volkswagen) 瀏覽回應
YURA Corporation 瀏覽回應
Kia Motors (UK) Ltd


Hyundai Corporation (part of Hyundai Group)


Jaguar Land Rover


Porsche 瀏覽回應
Mercedes-Benz Group 瀏覽回應
