以下是研究樣本,主要發表於過去十年中,對服裝行業和其他行業的社會審計模型和實踐進行了嚴格的討論和分析。如果您知道與該領域相關的任何其他材料,歡迎將其發送給透過電郵wilks [at] business-humanrights.org發送給Saskia Wilks或blankenbach [at] business-humanrights.org發送給Johannes Blankenbach。
這份關於由企業責任資源中心和清潔服裝運動(Clean Clothes Campaign)於2018年12月在布魯塞爾組織的研討會的摘要提供了進一步的見解:``從社會審計到人權盡職調查”。
I. 一般信息
AFL-CIO: "Responsibility outsourced: Social audits, workplace certification and twenty years of failure to protect worker rights", 2013
Chris Albin-Lackey, Human Rights Watch: "'Without rules' A failed approach to corporate accountability", 2013
Asia Monitor Resource Centre: "The Reality of Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Studies on the Impact of CSR on Workers in China, South Korea, India and Indonesia", 2012
Stephanie Barrientos and Sally Smith, Third World Quarterly: "Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems", 2007 [restricted access]
Jennifer Blair and Florence Palpacuer, Cambridge University Press: "The institutionalization of supply chain corporate social responsibility: field formation in comparative context", 2015 [restricted access]
Garrett Brown: "Factory certification schemes pose danger to safety & health profession", 2013
Garrett Brown: "Fatal flaws of foreign factory audits: 'A spectacular failure' to improve conditions", 2013
Garrett Brown: "Global supply chains still full of sweatshops", 2016
Garrett Brown: "The Record of Failure and Fatal Flaws of CSR Factory Monitoring" (newspaper), 2013
Garrett Brown: "Hansae Vietnam: Case study of hazardous working conditions and the failure of corporate social responsibility audits to fix the hazards", 2016
Garrett Brown: "The corporate responsibility mirage: Research shows minimal impact for the billions spent in the past 25 years", 2017
Stephanie Clifford and Steven Greenhouse, The New York Times: "Fast and flawed inspections of factories abroad", 2013
Tim Connor, Annie Delaney and Sarah Rennie: "The Ethical Trading Initiative: Negotiated solutions to human rights violations in global supply chains", 2016
ETI: "Secrets and lies: Uncovering ethical trade audit fraud" (DVD), 2007
T.A. Frank, Washington Monthly: "Confessions of a Sweatshop Inspector", 2008
Luc Fransen, Socio-Economic Review: "Multi-stakeholder governance and voluntary programme interactions: legitimation politics in the institutional design of Corporate Social Responsibility", 2012 [restricted access]
Alexandra Harney, Penguin Press: "The China Price" (Book), 2008
Michael Hobbes: "Saving the world, one meaningless buzzword at a time. How corporations, activists and politicians turned the language of human rights into meaningless babble", 2017
Guojun He and Jeffrey M. Perloff: "Does customer auditing help chinese workers?", 2013 [restricted access]
Sarosh Kuruvilla, Mingwei Lu, Chunyun Li and Wansi Chen: "Field opacity and practice-outcome decoupling: Private regulation of labor standards in global supply chains", 2020
Genevieve LeBaron and Jane Lister: "Ethical audits and the supply chains of global corporations", 2016
Genevieve LeBaron, Jane Lister and Peter Dauvergne: "Governing global supply chain sustainability through the ethical audit regime", 2017
Anne Manschot: "Can a picture say more than a thousand words? Examining the effectiveness of social compliance auditing", 2018
S. Prakash Sethi and Janet L. Rovenpor, Business and Society Review: "The Role of NGOs in Ameliorating Sweatshop-like Conditions in the Global Supply Chain: The Case of Fair Labor Association (FLA) and Social Accountability International (SAI)", 2016 [restricted access]
Alison Smith, Financial Times: "Fortune 500 companies spend more than $15bn on corporate responsibility", 2014
Tara Van Ho and Carolijn Terwindt, European Review of Private Law: "Assessing the duty of care for social auditors", 2019 [restricted access]
Don Wells: "Too weak for the job: Corporate code of conduct, non-governmental organisations and the regulation of international labour standards", 2007 [restricted access]
II. 紡織行業
Mark Anner, Politics & Society: "Corporate Social Responsibility and Freedom of Association Rights: The Precarious Quest for Legitimacy and Control in Global Supply Chains", 2012 [restricted access]
Dennis Arnold: "Better Work or 'ethical fix'? Lessons from Cambodia's apparel industry", 2013
Garrett Brown: "Worker revolt in Myanmar smashes garment factory and apparel brands' false promises of a better life", 2017
Bjorn Claeson, International Labor Rights Forum: "Emerging from the Tragedies in Bangladesh: A Challenge to Voluntarism in the Global Economy", 2015
Clean Clothes Campaign: "Evaluation of H&M compliance with Safety Action Plans for strategic suppliers In Bangladesh", 2015
Clean Clothes Campaign: "Labour on a shoestring", 2016
Clean Clothes Campaign: "Looking for a quick fix: How weak social auditing is keeping workers in sweatshops", 2005
Clean Clothes Campaign and SOMO: "Fatal fashion - Analysis of recent factory fires in Pakistan and Bangladesh: A call to protect and respect garment workers' lives", 2013
Andrew Crane, Vivek Soundararajan, Michael Bloomfield, Laura J. Spence and Genevieve LeBaron: "Decent Work and Economic Growth in the Southern Indian Garment Industry", 2019
Niklas Egels-Zandén and Henrik Lindholm, Journal of Cleaner Production: "Do codes of conduct improve workers rights in supply chains? A study of Fair Wear Foundation", 2015 [restricted access]
Niklas Egels-Zandén and Evelina Wahlqvist, Journal of Business Ethics: "Post-Partnership Strategies for Defining Corporate Responsibility: The Business Social Compliance Initiative", 2007 [restricted access]
International Labor Rights Forum: "Deadly secrets: How apparel brands cover up safety hazards", 2012
Richard Locke, Fei Qin and Alberto Brause: "Does monitoring improve labor standards? Lessons from Nike", 2006
Dara O'Rourke: "Monitoring the monitors: A critique of PWC Labor Monitoring", 2000
SACOM: "Reality behind brands’ CSR hypocrisy: An investigative report on China suppliers of Zara, H&M and GAP", 2016
Mark Starmanns: "The Grand Illusion? Corporate Responsibility in Global Garment Production Networks", 2010
Carolijn Terwindt and Amy Armstrong: "Oversight and Accountability in the Social Auditing Industry – the Role of Social Compliance Initiatives", 2018 [restricted access]
Carolijn Terwindt and Miriam Saage-Maaß: "Liability of Social Auditors In The Textile Industry", 2016
Transparency International Bangladesh: "Undress corruption - How to prevent corruption in the readymade garment sector: Scenarios in Bangladesh", 2016
III. 私人保安行業
Sorcha MacLeod and Rebecca DeWinter-Schmitt: "Certifying Private Security Companies: Effectively Ensuring the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights?", 2019 [restriced access, read-only version available here]