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Snap (parent company, Snapchat, Snap Lab)

  • 互聯網公司, 技術、電信和電子產品
  • 美國

  • Snap Inc. (Snap) is a social media and technology company headquartered in the United States. Snapt operates a social media platform and offers products and services that allow its users worldwide to send and receive photos, drawings, text, and videos.

來自資源中心 ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.












Global Network Initiative ? Membership in the Global Network Initiative, an alliance that helps companies respect freedom of expression and privacy rights when faced with government pressure to hand over user data, remove content, or restrict communications.

UN Global Compact ? Membership in the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals.

Transparency Report ? Reports detailing how the company processes third-party requests and enforces internal rules regarding people’s data and mitigates risks to their rights. Latest available report linked.
Indicator last reviewed 03-01-2024

Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights

Indicator last reviewed 03-01-2024

Business Code of Conduct ? A company code of conduct (or code of ethics) is a company document in which it sets out a set of principles that it commits itself to follow, or requires its employees and/or subcontractors to follow.
Indicator last reviewed 03-01-2024

現代奴隸制立法 行動 ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

現代奴隸制立法 追蹤器

Snap (parent company, Snapchat, Snap Lab) Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Snap (parent company, Snapchat, Snap Lab) Modern Slavery Legislation Document

來源: https://storage.googleapis.com/snap-inc/supplier-responsibility/anti-slavery-statement.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

獲得的快照: 2019年2月28日 00:00





Digital Inclusion Benchmark 2023
? The third iteration of the Digital Inclusion Benchmark by World Benchmarking Alliance measures and ranks 200 of the world’s most influential technology companies on their responsibility to advance a more inclusive digital society.
33 / 100
Global Child Forum Benchmark: The State of Children’s Rights & Business 2023
? The Global Child Forum global benchmark 2023 evaluates 795 companies' impact on children, based on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles.
4.8 / 10


Snap (parent company, Snapchat, Snap Lab) has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.



