Webinar: Regional perspectives on the treaty (22 August)
SAVE THE DATE for the second webinar in our 3-part webinar series Bridging the gap: A stronger Binding Treaty for all, leading up to the 9th Intergovt. Working Group session.
Date: 22 August. 8am EST/1pm BST/2pm CEST
Experts will share insights on what a treaty would mean around the world and what still needs to be resolved in the draft.
Keynote speaker
- Lihle Mabuza, Department of International Relations and Cooperation, South Africa
- Ariella Scher, Centre for Applied Legal Studies
- Sanyu Awori, Association for Women's Rights in Development
- Jaybee Garganera, Alliance to Stop Mining
- Rachmi Hertanti, Transnational Institute
- Mai Taqueban, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center/FoE Philippines
- Ana Maria Suarez-Franco, FIAN International
- Daniel Cerqueira, Due Process of Law Foundation
- Soledad García Muñóz, Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Moderated by Sikho Luthango, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
As part of our series Bridging the gap: A stronger Binding Treaty for all, we are hosting the following webinars:
- Complementarity of the treaty, NAPs and mHREDD legislation (11 July) - recording available here
- A treaty and access to justice for affected communities: addressing the human rights commitment gap (19 September)
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82542412892?pwd=MWZzRHBlcEVETHpvVU1ONHdPM1Fudz09
Webinar ID: 825 4241 2892
Passcode: 543576