Amesys response re article alleging that Amesys sold surveillance equipment to Libyan authorities
The commitment made by the Libyan authorities to participate alongside Western Countries in the fight against international terrorism led the Security Council of the UN, late in 2003, to lift the embargo declared against that country. It was in this context that many French and foreign companies, including Amesys [part of Bull], established trade links with Libya in 2007. Amesys delivered equipment to the Libyan authorities but exercised no control over the use made of it. The test material was a fraction of existing internet connections. They did not include Internet communications via satellite, used in Internet cafes or encrypted communications like Skype or filtering websites. The material used does not monitor fixed or mobile telephone lines. Only the Libyan authorities could use the equipment installed. Amesys operates no listening center anyone in the world and has never done so.”