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Raji Unnikrishnan, BDN (Bahrain)

Bahrain: 18 workers affected by 11 summer work ban violations in its first week; violators face jail time and fine up to USD2652

Joshua GM, Shutterstock

"11 summer work ban violations in first week", 15 Jul 2022

ELEVEN annual summer midday work ban violations were recorded in the first week of this month, according to a top official.

The violations, involving 18 workers, reflect 99.63 per cent compliance with the 2013 law that restricts outdoor work from noon until 4pm during July and August.

Violators will be punished by a jail term of no more than three months or a fine of between BD500 and BD1,000 or both.

Campaigners have been repeatedly calling for extending the ban to three months, with climate change reflecting soaring summer temperatures in the region.

Bahrain is the only country to have a two-month ban while all others impose a three-month midday ban during the scorching summer months.