BP oil spill: Tom Bergin's book challenges view that Hayward was hard done by [USA]
[Tom Bergin's book argues that Tony Hayward, former Chief Executive of BP] was central to a flawed corporate culture with insufficient attention to safety..."Hayward was right when he complained that he received a broken inheritance [from his predecessor, Lord Browne] but his changes failed to address the fundamental flaw at BP: a structure that encouraged managers to put short-term financial goals ahead of the long-term health of the business and its employees," Bergin argues...This particular story is about BP and does not look at any simultaneous safety failings at other companies involved in the accident. But examining just this one party, it concludes BP was "utterly wrong" to place all immediate blame for the accident on its contractor Transocean, the owner of the exploded rig...[The book] also accuses BP of failing to be "honest and transparent" in the aftermath.