Cambodia: UN independent human rights experts express concerns over newly adopted Charter on Professional Journalism as it has broader implications for freedom of expression across media
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Cambodia: Human rights defenders and journalists punished by controversial Law on COVID-19
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Cambodia: Tech experts and CSOs express ongoing concerns of online security and safety; while govt.-introduced legislation appears to curtail online freedoms
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Cambodia: 22 media and NGOs call on govt. to protect journalists and press freedom in celebration of World Press Freedom Day 2022
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Cambodia: CSOs and human rights defenders call on govt. to restore human rights as they commemorate 73rd International Human Rights Day
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Cambodia: CamboJA's quarterly report reveals harassment against journalists and press freedom restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses her concerns over judicial attacks and extra-judicial attacks on human rights defenders amid shrinking civic freedoms
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Cambodia: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses ongoing concerns over judicial attacks on human rights defenders in shrinking civic & democratic space
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Cambodia: UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights voices his concerns over attacks on human rights defenders and journalists as civic space is shrinking
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Cambodia: Koh Kong Court convict a journalist with incitement and sentence him to 1 year in prison for posting articles on land disputes
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Cambodia: Asia Centre release internet freedoms report on Cambodia's restrictive measures to curtail human rights and fundamental freedoms
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Cambodia: 60 CSOs express concerns over worsening human rights situation and urge govt. to restore human rights & open civic space before consulting draft law on NHRI
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Cambodia: Local authorities harass journalists covering demolishment of villagers' homes for a private development project in Phnom Penh
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Cambodia: Battambang Court charge a journalist with incitement after his comments on govt.'s COVID-19 measures
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Cambodia: UN Special Rapporteur and journalists raise concerns about restrictions of human rights and fundamental freedoms imposed by new govt. policies and legislation
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Cambodia: Govt. defend COVID-19 measures by using QR code system to trace people; UN experts write letter to express concerns of privacy & human rights
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Cambodia: Authorities harass journalists while they are reporting land disputes in two separate incidents; journalists are concerned about their safety
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Cambodia: 45 CSOs highlight attacks and harassment against journalists and call on the govt. to properly investigate harmful acts & crimes against journalists
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Cambodia: Govt. warn journalists of reporting in lockdown and medical treatment areas amid COVID-19 community transmissions
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Cambodia: UN human rights experts express serious concerns of human rights and fundamental freedoms posed by govt.'s COVID-19 measures & urge govt. to review
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Cambodia: Authorities arrest three individuals accusing of violating Law on COVID-19 measures; no official charges are brought against them
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Cambodia: HRW call on govt. to cease practices of 'Stop COVID-19' QR code system as it violates right to privacy
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Cambodia: UN human rights experts raise concerns of human rights and fundamental freedoms restrictions imposed by Law on COVID-19 Measures; govt. provide no response
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Cambodia: Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association's report reveals crackdown on press freedom with records of 35 cases of harassment against 72 journalists in 2020
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Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court charge a man with obstructing health measures under Law on COVID-19 after he warns garment workers of Chinese vaccines injection
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Cambodia: UN experts write communication letter to govt. to raise concerns of privacy and data protect after govt. approve QR code system to trace people contacts
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Cambodia: Despite criticism from NGOs, Cambodia passes law on Covid-19 measures; the law gives excessive power to govt. to restrict freedoms of movement & assembly
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Cambodia: Govt. introduce law on COVID-19 measures enabling for restrictions on civic freedoms and suspension of business; HRW claims the law imposes disproportionate fines and imprisonment
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Cambodia: Human Rights Watch call on govt. to scrap abusive law on COVID-19 prevention measures; the law enables for restrictions on human rights & civic freedoms
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Cambodia: ADHOC reveal severe restrictions on fundamental freedoms; govt. deny the accusations
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Cambodia: Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court convict a journalist of incitement charges following his report on a land conflict between villagers & military officials
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Cambodia: A relative of jailed activists claims that prison officials beat her sister while going on hunger strike at prison facility & calls for investigations
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Cambodia: Authorities arrest agribusiness owner & charge him with incitement & insult following his commentary on PM's speech on Facebook
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Cambodia: On Human Rights Day, 67 civil society groups call on govt. to adhere to legal obligations to respect & protect human rights & fundamental freedoms
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Cambodia: Clooney Foundation for Justice urge the govt. to repeal incitement provisions to honour rights to freedom of expression
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Cambodia: UN experts express concerns over tightening restrictions on civil society & systematic detention & criminalisation of human rights defenders; govt. deny
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Cambodia: HRW call on govt. to drop draft Cybercrime Law which threatens increased surveillance of internet users, privacy rights & free speech online
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Cambodia: Phnom Penh Municipal Court sentence a journalist to 18 months imprisonment for incitement charges on his Facebook page
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Cambodia: Local & international rights groups call on the govt. to cease judicial harassment against & attacks on journalists
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Cambodia: 57 local & international groups call on the govt. to cease silencing journalists & independent media
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Cambodia: CSOs & media groups see a threat to freedoms following recent conviction of a journalist quoting PM's direct speeches about COVID-19 responses
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Cambodia: Civil society claims that draft Law on Cybercrime restricts free expression & privacy of individuals
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Cambodia: Phnom Penh Municipal Court sentence a journalist to 18 months imprisonment for reporting quotes of PM responding to COVID-19 responses
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Cambodia: UN Secretary-General is scheduled to present a report calling on member states to address reprisals & intimidation issues against NGOs
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Cambodia: EU & UN renew concerns over shrinking civic space and call on govt. to stop harassing HRDs
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Cambodia: OHCHR and INGOs express concerns over ongoing arrests of HRDs & call on govt. to stop intimidation acts
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Cambodia: UN special procedures ask govt. for answers over intimidation of LICADHO senior staff following his comments on govt's COVID-19 measures
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Cambodia: UN Special Rapporteur's report shows that govt. violates human rights law and represses freedom of expression amid COVID-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: Rights groups express concerns over govt's crackdowns on human rights defenders during COVID-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: Independent media & journalists express their concerns about recent arrests and threats related to their reporting
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Cambodia: Ministry of Labour issues a warning letter to CATU president and accuses her of violating law in protesting
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Cambodia: Phnom Penh Municipal Court charges a journalist over alleged incitement following his Facebook post criticising govt's response to COVID-19
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Cambodia: 133 CSOs call for the release of detained journalists and an end to media crackdown
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Cambodia: Authorities arrest & charge another journalist & local radio station owner with incitement as media crackdown continues during COVID-19 crisis
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Cambodia: 66 CSOs call on govt. to amend Law on a State of Emergency to protect civic freedoms and human rights
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Cambodia: 201 NGOs & communities call on authorities to cease harassment of community representatives over petition for support from govt. during COVID-19 crisis
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Cambodia: Acting Head of State promulgates Law on Administration of the Nation during a State of Emergency; while NGOs raise serious human rights concerns
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Cambodia: Senate approves controversial draft Law on a State of Emergency amid international criticism of restricting fundamental freedoms & human rights
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Cambodia: UN experts send a communication to Cambodian govt. to express concerns of restrictions on fundamental freedoms over draft law on a state of emergency
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Cambodia: Rights group concerns about press freedom while Phnom Penh Municipal Court charges a journalist with incitement after posting PM's comments on his Facebook page
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Cambodia: International Commission of Jurists warns that Cambodia’s draft Law on a State of Emergency violates rule of law principles & human rights
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Cambodia: Police & authorities arrest a popular journalist and revoke his media license after he reports direct words of PM responding to Covid-19 measures
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Cambodia: Four international rights groups concern over restrictions on civic freedoms & human rights defenders posed by draft law on state of emergency
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Cambodia: PM warns senior NGO staff of arrest over comments on govt.'s measures to arrest & educate online users over fake news on Covid-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: Rights group concerns over govt.'s aggressive measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic; while minority groups face discrimination
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Cambodia: PM warns senior NGO staff of arrest over his comments on govt.'s aggressive measures to arrest & educate online users over fake news on Covid-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: HRW condemns govt.'s move to propose Law on State of Emergency amid Covid-19 with concerns over restrictions on fundamental human rights & freedoms
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Cambodia: Amnesty International urges Cambodian govt. to withdraw draft Law on State of Emergency; while voicing concerns over a grave threat to human rights & freedoms
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Cambodia: PM warns senior NGO staff of arrest over his comments on govt.'s aggressive measures to arrest & educate online users over fake news on Covid-19 pandemic
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Cambodia: Amnesty International says at least 22 arrests related to allegation of fake news on the Covid-19; while voicing concerns over overcrowded detention centers
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Cambodia: Govt. defends draft Law on State of Emergency amid Covid-19; while rights group concerns that the law undercuts human rights protection
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Cambodia: HRW reports that authorities arrest 17 people related to spreading fake news on the Covid-19 & urges authorities to guarantee freedom of expression for Cambodians
適用語言: English