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TTR Weekly

Cambodia: Hotel workers & unions go on strike following the unfair dismissal of three employees & unionists; hotel stands by its decision

"Strike hurts Le Meridien Angkor image", 17 September 2020

Employees at the Le Meridien Angkor Hotel in Siem Reap called a strike to demand the hotel management reinstate three union representatives who they say were unfairly terminated ...

The hotel is managed by the international hotel group Marriott International which owns the Le Meridien brand and has a positive record supporting workers’ rights in the US and Europe.

The three activists Doeum Chhaya, Sok Naren and Kham Sreypheak, who are members of the Le Meridien Angkor Trade Union, were terminated … They allegedly incited workers via Facebook to support demands for a smaller salary reduction than what was stipulated by the management in response to the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic…

Le Meridien Angkor Trade Union president, Ly Linda, said workers at the hotel had resumed strike action 9 September because talks failed to reach a compromise.

“…, union representatives met with the general manager of the hotel… They asked her to allow the three union activists to go back to work, but she still did not allow it,” Linda told Cambodjanews, adding that the hotel workers would continue to strike.

Linda also alleged that the hotel employer was preparing a complaint to sue him for his role leading the strikes at the hotel.

“I appeal to the Siem Reap Provincial Governor Tea Seiha and relevant parties to help solve this so that we can go back to work,” he added.

The hotel’s general manager Sabreena Jacob issued a statement … saying she stood by the decision to dismiss the three workers…
