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Cambodian Alliance for Trade Unions

CATU's Rejoinder to Clarks' Response

Clarks' attitude throughout this dispute has exposed their total lack of understanding about what freedom of association actually entails. We have reached out to Ethical Trading Initiative, of which Clarks are a member, to ensure that Clarks staff receive proper training and guidance on guaranteeing freedom of association in their supply chain. Frankly, it's not surprising that Clarks have been unable to corroborate CATU's claims; they are yet to even try to speak with any of the affected workers at Tripos. CATU have filed multiple complaints to the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Labour since as early as December 2020 and nothing has been done. For a brand which claims to be "committed" to acting on workers' rights, it's simply not good enough for Clarks to keep coming into bat for a factory which is doing all it can to stop registration of a local CATU union.
