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William Gallagher, Apple Insider

China: Apple responds to allegations of iPhone factory violating Chinese labour laws


"Apple says Foxconn uses too many temporary iPhone workers", 9 September 2019

Apple has confirmed a claim that its major iPhone manufacturer Foxconn has employed too many temporary staff. The country's laws specify that temporary staff...cannot exceed 10% of a company's total workforce. However, Foxconn reportedly had up to 50%...

...While not addressing whether this constitutes breaking Chinese laws, Apple said that it had investigated the issue and concluded that it "exceeded our standards." Apple further said that it was working with Foxconn to "immediately resolve the issue" of temporary staff. And regarding the overtime working conditions, the company said that "this issue has been corrected."

Foxconn said that it was addressing all issues. "We did find evidence that the use of dispatch workers and the number of hours of overtime work carried out by employees, which we have confirmed was always voluntary, was not consistent with company guidelines," continued Foxconn in a statement...