China Non-ferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering & Construction (part of China Nonferrous Metal Mining) 未有對(XX)作出回應
印度尼西亞:世行內部監察機構稱中國有色集團支持的鋅鉛礦項目給土著社區和環境帶來「極高」 風險
印度尼西亞:國際金融公司監管部門就涉嫌向有爭議的礦業項目提供貸款一事對中國郵政儲蓄銀行(Postal Savings Bank of China)展開調查
China Investment Corporation did not respond
適用語言: English -
Bank of China did not respond
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China Development Bank did not respond
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Export-Import Bank of China did not respond
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Industrial and Commercial Bank of China could not be reached
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China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation did not respond
適用語言: English -
China Nonferrous Metal Mining did not respond
適用語言: English