China Union: "New Slavery Camp" [Liberia]
[Business & Human Rights invited China Union to respond. Response provided.] China Union [part of WISCO]...has been described by some of its workers as a new slavery camp in Liberia...[One] of the workers [said] “We work without resting. We are beaten with iron...When they speak Chinese to us, they expect us to understand; when we reply...they sack us...[I]f the Government does not address...[this], China Union will find it very difficult to operate...Another worker said: “...I am paid US90.00 for the month and given L$45.00(Liberian dollars) as lunch a day. We drink from dirty water that the Chinese do not even drink from. They have their toilets next to it,”...[T]he only by name and there...[are] no drugs to treat patients...