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Mexico: Civil society welcomes the launch of the grievance mechanism of the German automotive industry in the country

"Launch of grievance mechanism of the German automotive industry in Mexico", 07 May 2024

...Civil society from Mexico and Germany welcomes the start of the cross-company grievance mechanism / To ensure its effectiveness, the participating CSOs call for the long-term and increased involvement of relevant companies and political institutions and the securing of resources for civil society engagement around it...

On the occasion of the launch of the “Mecanismo de Reclamación de Derechos Humanos” (MRDH) in Mexico City, in English known as “cross-company grievance mechanism”, civil society organizations involved draw an overall positive conclusion. After 4.5 years of thorough dialogue between companies, unions, governments, national human rights institutions, and civil society, first in Germany and then with Mexican actors, the mechanism is now open to complaints. The design until now is very promising: The MRDH is unique in its scope, covers the whole supply chain of German automotive companies in Mexico until final assembly, and addresses all different kinds of potentially affected stakeholders. Most importantly, civil society in Mexico was involved in developing the mechanism. Independent experts will examine complaints filed and a crucial role for rightsholders in its implementation is foreseen. 

“We are pleased that the MRDH is finally starting because it is ambitious and can contribute to improving the human rights situation among German car supply chains in Mexico.  Three companies, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and ZF Friedrichshafen, are taking part in the implementation and have committed to uphold the decisions reached by its independent experts, including contributing to remediation. During its design, it was unfortunate to see the exit of large German companies. To be effective industry-wide, more companies need to engage in a serious and trustful manner, by disclosing key information on their supply chains to the mechanism and constructively participating in solving complaints and providing remedies,” says Diana Figueroa, Fundación Avina. [...]
