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The Climate Group

Dalmia Cement, Swiss Re & Helvetia pledge to use 100% renewable energy & increase energy productivity

"Leading companies pledge to 'use better energy better'," 11 Nov 2016

…Dalmia Cement, Swiss Re and Helvetia have…made new…commitments for their global operations that will help to cut costs, lower emissions, and drive zero-emissions economies. The news comes on Energy Day at COP22 in Marrakech…India’s Dalmia Cement…and Swiss insurer Helvetia, have committed to 100% renewable electricity through RE100…Also today…Swiss Re has committed to doubling its energy productivity through EP100, a global effort…to help companies maximize the economic benefits of every unit of energy they consume…The new additions to RE100 take the total number of members to 83, and the total demand for renewable electricity…more than enough to power Morocco three times over…The newcomers were welcomed by Damian Ryan, Acting CEO of The Climate Group: “…[W]e’re seeing greater corporate action on climate than ever before…But to…keep global warming well below two degrees, we’ve got to go further still. Businesses have enormous influencing power…they need to look vertically along their supply chains and encourage others to act...”…

[Also refers to Formula E and Mars.]