Delcom (Kampuchea) PTE 未有對(XX)作出回應

柬埔寨:礦井坍塌致一名金礦工人死亡; 中國企業被勒令暫停營運並確保對工人的賠償
Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak non-response
適用語言: English -
Rong Cheng Industrial Investment non-response
適用語言: English -
Delcom (Kampuchea) PTE non-response
適用語言: English -
Mesco Gold non-response
適用語言: English -
Global Green (Cambodia) non-response
適用語言: English -
Xinshan Industrial non-response
適用語言: English -
Angkor Gold responds to allegations linked to mining operations
適用語言: English -
Emerald Resources respond to allegations of mining operations linked to Renaissance Minerals
適用語言: English -
Cambodia: Communities demand compensations for their farm after mining company allegedly clears their land
適用語言: English -
Cambodia: NGO claims gold mining operations cause rights violations and environmental damage & calls for appropriate measures
適用語言: English